
pcr solutions

Precision barcode solutions for PCR strips and labware.​

Ensure accuracy and efficiency in your PCR processes with labels that endure extreme temperatures and repeated cycling. Our solutions are designed to keep pace with high-throughput environments, offering reliable tracking from sample preparation to amplification. With our labeling products, you can minimize errors and enhance the traceability of your PCR results.

PCR labeling and tracking solutions.

Our PCR barcoding and tracking solutions deliver accuracy and reliability across your PCR workflows. From sample preparation to amplification, our products ensure efficient tracking and management at every step, enhancing the precision of your research.

  • Labels withstand thermal cycling and extreme temperatures
  • Pre-barcoded PCR tubes for immediate use and accuracy
  • Dual labels for both tubes and caps to prevent mix-ups
  • Color-coded barcodes for quick visual identification

pcr strip tubes

PCR strip tubes, commonly in 0.2 mL size and configured in 8-tube strips, are perfect for medium-scale experiments where multiple reactions are processed simultaneously. These strips provide uniform heat distribution and consistent results across all wells. Pre-barcoded, color-coded labels are available for these strips, allowing quick identification and flawless integration into both manual and automated workflows, reducing the risk of sample mix-ups.


segmented plates

Segmented PCR plates, typically in 96-well or 384-well formats, are ideal for high-throughput workflows, allowing sections to be easily separated for specific experiments. These plates ensure precise sample tracking across divided sections, maintaining data integrity even when only a portion is used. Labeling options include pre-barcoded, color-coded labels that seamlessly integrate with automated systems, ensuring efficient identification and reliable data management. 

individual tubes

Individual PCR tubes, often in 0.2 mL or 0.5 mL sizes, are used for small-scale, customized reactions where each tube can hold a different sample or reagent mix. These tubes offer flexibility in handling unique experimental conditions. Labeling options for individual tubes include small-format, pre-barcoded labels that provide easy identification without interfering with manual pipetting or thermal cycling, ensuring each reaction is accurately tracked and managed.

Data matrix barcodes.

Pre-marked data matrix barcodes are an ideal solution for PCR due to their compact size, high data density, easy readability, and serialization. Advanced barcoding and marking technologies including specialty cured inks make it possible to barcode and label these difficult pieces of labware.

  • Associate rich data with individual samples
  • Barcode small and connected tubes
  • Eliminate fit issues with racks and centrifuges
  • Digitally track sample history and location

Color-coding and experiment labels.

Precise and detailed marking of PCR labware is essential for ensuring the accuracy of your research. Our solutions allow you to label PCR tubes and strip tubes with critical experimental data, such as sample IDs, concentration levels, and specific test conditions. This comprehensive approach to labeling ensures that all necessary information is readily available and easily readable throughout the entire PCR process.

  • Sample IDs for unique identification in PCR assays
  • Experiment details specific to each PCR run
  • Concentration markers for accurate sample preparation
  • 2D data matrix barcodes for efficient tracking


Color-coded labels allow for quick visual differentiation between samples or experimental groups. This feature simplifies workflows and reduces the risk of mix-ups in high-throughput environments.

experiment data

Easily organize and track various PCR conditions with concise, clear labels for experiment data. Enhance accuracy and helping you keep track of control and test experimental conditions with confidence.

RNase/DNase free production.

When pre-barcoding PCR labware, we take stringent measures to ensure the highest standards of cleanliness and contamination control. Our production is conducted in a controlled, RNase/DNase-free environment, guaranteeing that your labware remains free from any nucleases that could compromise your experiments.

  • Pre-barcoded in a controlled, contaminant-free environment
  • Ensures integrity of sensitive PCR labware
  • Ideal for nucleic acid testing and critical research
  • Maintains the purity and reliability of your labware

labware prep™ services

Watch our engaging video to see firsthand how our meticulous prep process can elevate your lab's efficiency and precision. From barcoding to kitting, our process reduces errors and boosts productivity. Discover the benefits of a tailored approach to labware preparation and let us take care of the details, so you can focus on your critical research and development tasks. ​

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PCR across industries.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is a foundational tool in modern science, enabling the amplification and analysis of genetic material with unparalleled precision. Its applications span across various industries, from healthcare to research, where accurate genetic analysis is essential. The versatility and reliability of PCR make it indispensable for advancing scientific knowledge and ensuring the accuracy of diagnostics and research.

Essential uses of PCR.

PCR is a cornerstone technology for amplifying DNA and RNA, allowing even trace amounts of genetic material to be analyzed with exceptional accuracy. This technique is vital in detecting and diagnosing genetic mutations, infectious diseases, and other molecular targets across various fields. The precision of PCR ensures that even the smallest genetic variations are identified, making it crucial for research and diagnostics.

Laboratories rely on high-quality reagents, rigorous protocols, and accurate labeling to maintain the integrity of PCR processes. The ability to consistently reproduce results makes PCR a reliable choice for genetic testing and research.

medical labs

Medical labs use PCR for a wide range of diagnostic purposes, from detecting infectious diseases to identifying genetic mutations. Its speed and accuracy make PCR a cornerstone of modern diagnostics, enabling timely and precise patient care. Whether for routine testing or complex genetic analysis, PCR provides the reliability needed for critical healthcare decisions.


In pathology labs, PCR is essential for analyzing tissue samples at the molecular level, detecting specific genetic mutations, and identifying infectious agents. This technique allows pathologists to diagnose diseases more accurately and understand their molecular basis. PCR enhances the ability to tailor treatments and monitor disease progression with a high degree of specificity.

drug discovery

PCR plays a crucial role in drug discovery by helping identify and validate genetic targets, develop biomarkers, and understand how genetic variations influence responses. This accelerates the process, ensuring that new treatments are effective for patients’ genetic profiles. PCR’s precision in detecting minor genetic differences is key to advancing personalized medicine.

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